Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thoughts on Daniel

I have been thinking. I just looked at something with a picture of Laura, Joanna, Daniel, Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph and was thinking about some of the things that some of the parents said at the Carriage House meetings in Worcester about the second year being harder than the first. Granted, we are only nineteen days into our second year, so I may not have a complete grasp on how this second year is going to be. I can tell about how I feel and I can talk about ideas that I have.

The time that we were in Sioux Falls I am not sure that I gave much thought to anything other than acknowledging Daniel would not be going home with us in the sense that we normally think of as ‘going home.’ Daniel would not be flying on a plane or riding in a van in order to join us physically in Hubbardston, MA. His body remained in Sioux Falls longer than the rest of us did but was finally returned and is now at rest down by the creek that runs approximately along the property line. I didn’t think much, really, about anything beyond getting through another day and getting us all home even though my biggest challenge was getting through another day while Paul and others worked on the getting us home part. Once we were home, other than the obvious changes that had been wrought by people cleaning and getting ready to turn the back room into a recovery room, it was as though Daniel were always just in another room. His presence was here always.

That has changed.

The thoughts and ideas and beliefs I am going to share now are mine. I am not sharing them to challenge your thoughts, ideas and beliefs; I am not sharing them to convert your ways to mine. You can disagree with me if you’d like as long as you do not try to challenge my beliefs or try to convert me to yours. I share because I believe there is value in sharing. And just a little note, I happen to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Many, maybe even most, of my beliefs are ones taught by the church but some of them, while I don’t believe conflict with the Church, are ones I have come upon via other venues (prayer, meditation, reading, and the like).

I believe that we existed before we were born into this life and I believe that we continue to exist after this life. Our birth into mortal existence is but a death from a former existence and our death from mortal existence is but a birth into another existence. I believe that our spirits are separate entities from our mortal bodies and that they enter our bodies sometime between conception and birth and leave them at death. I also believe that at some point, our spirits will be reunited with our bodies. I believe that in the spirit existence before this reuniting there is work to be done. I believe that there are two classes of spirits in that place. Simply put, I believe that those who lived good lives and were good people and did the best they could to make good choices are one class and those who made poor choices and were not good people and gave up are the other class. I believe that those who did well act as our guardian angles, teach those who did not as well, and do what they can to influence those of us still in our mortal plane to make good choices. I believe that there is much for them to do and that they are not still, that they are not in a paradise where they need do nothing but rest.

Because I have the belief system that I do, I feel that Daniel is among those who are busy doing good. I think that he has been with us for much of the last year. I think he has sat at the foot of each of our beds. I think he was there for us in the hospitals in Sioux Falls. I think he influenced the doctors who worked on his brothers and sisters. I think he managed to be with Joanna and comfort her while she was still in California and Alisha when she was still in Idaho. I know that he has appeared to some of us in dreams. I think that his time for comforting us is nearing an end. I do believe that he will yet be able to be with us upon occasion but I think the time has come for him to move on. I think this is why I no longer feel that he could be upstairs reading.

Just some of my thoughts. I hope that in sharing them, they might do some good.

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