Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Morning Walks

The canine girls, Trista and Scooter, and I usually take a walk in the morning. It's a good way to stretch and get things going and it's a good time to go and visit Daniel's grave. We start out the front and go around the garden. If we are going to visit Daniel's grave, we usually walk down the hill between the fruit trees and the mess of trees on the edge of the Christmas tree patch and then along the 'road' to the monkey bridge and grave. If the ground is dry, we water the plants, especially the rhododendrons because we want them to grow and be happy. Once we are done watering and/or talking to Daniel, we head up the hill through the Christmas trees and then along the edge of the field over to the edge where the currants are and then by the wood pile mess to the driveway and then inside. We never know what we might see. Last week we saw some turkeys.

I don't know if these are the turkeys we saw. They might be. This (and the other turkey pictures, were taken by Joanna on August 21).

If these are the ones we saw, there should be some young ones somewhere.

Curious creatures, they are. Daniel caught a baby turkey two summers ago. We put it in with the chicks at first and it wasn't doing well so we brought it in the house in a box. It was a pretty little thing with big, round eyes. I didn't survive the night though which was very sad.

These pictures were taken two mornings ago on August 28.

There are lots of trees. This is a big one that is just cool. I sometimes think about the things it has seen.

We could see the sun coming up through the trees.

Some purple flowers amongst the yellow. Purple always makes me think of my Aunt Julie.

The new rhododendrons. There is a little one over by the corner of Daniel's grave. The one Paul gave me for Mother's Day is inside the rock border, the new one, which is supposed to have red flowers, is on the outside. In the foreground, you can see the largest of the new ones and in the middle of the right side of the picture, you can see another although it blends in with one of the three I planted previously.

The rope is from the rope bridge. This is where I fill up the bucket you can see in the above picture to fill the watering can, also visible in the above picture.

The rising sun and a rock wall just on the other side of the stream from Daniel's grave.

Daniel's grave as it currently looks. This was taken from the north west corner and is where I like to sit when I have a few minutes. I really like this picture.

The view from the south west corner. If you know what to look for, you can see the rhododendrons. They should have some flowers for us in the spring.

Many spider webs on this tree. When I see a spider web, I think of my Aunt Debby.

An up close of one of the webs.

Our walks are just the beginning of usually a busy day but they are a nice beginning. 

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