Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God Bless America

This was was also received in an email from Paul and again, I had to share.


“God Bless America” became the song that the nation rallied around after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Mourning crowds, including the US Congress, spontaneously broke into song while comforting each other and showing solidarity with those that had died, and those still missing. Now that very same song is under attack by atheists right here in Massachusetts.

The Wayland School District is pushing back against an atheist group’s claim that a high school band playing “God Bless America” is somehow an unconstitutional act, reports The Blaze. Superintendent Dr. Paul Stein said he plans to ignore the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s (FFRF) letter alleging separation of church and state violations.

“I appreciate where they’re coming from, I really do, but on the other hand I think it’s a question of where the line is drawn,” Stein told the MetroWest Daily News about the song that was played by the school band on Memorial Day and Pearl Harbor Day. “There has to be a sense about whether the schools are fostering the promotion or practice of religion, and I don’t believe the band playing ‘God Bless America’ does that.”

We applaud Superintendent Stein for his steadfast support of the school’s right to have the band play “God Bless America” and the district’s plan to ignore the bullying threats from FFRF. We still have freedom of religion and expression in this country, but the “wall of separation” crowd with their friends at the ACLU are working hard to erode those rights. That’s why we have to make our voices heard!

Please call and email Superintendent Dr. Paul Stein and thank him for his support of “God Bless America” and his willingness to not bow to such an outrageous request.

Phone: 508-358-3774


For our families and our freedoms,


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