Monday, August 13, 2012

Snow Day

Yes I want a snow day because I want to stay home from school.  If there is no school I will not have to go to school which is very boring almost all the time. At home I would read a book, study for the quizzes I have in science, social studies and English. I would probably play some games with my brothers and sister. Then I might play a game on the computer. First I would work on any homework I had not completed the day before. One reason I don’t want it though is that I have scouts tomorrow and that’s fun sometimes but I would rather have a snow day than go to scouts. I would go outside for a while after the snow stopped and go sledding on the hill that’s close to my house if there is not too much snow. Then I might have a snow ball fight with my brothers. I would probably do some of my chores that I have to do. If it did not snow too much I might go to get some new pants somewhere but I would stay home if it snowed too much.

Written 1/11/11

I remember having this conversation with Daniel around this time. Interestingly, it was not long after he wrote this that we did end up going shopping, I think we did go to get him pants and we went to buy fabric for the dress Joanna asked me to make. I thought he had an orthodontist appointment as well but I think not as he'd gone on the 3rd. At the time, I thought it crazy that he'd rather have snow days and go longer in the summer, but now, I think I agree with him.

Also interesting, the day after Daniel wrote this, was a snow day. The following day was a 2-hour delay. The following week was the second snow day followed by the second 2-hour delay (the 18th and 19th). The following week was the third snow day on the 27th. And that was just January.

Chronologically, these first two are out of order, but Daniel mentioned playing a game on the computer first and then playing in the snow.

Daniel playing on February 15, 2010.

Daniel playing, Cedric watching, on February 27, 2010.

The following pictures are particularly appropriate here because they were taken just six days after Daniel wrote this on the 17th of January, 2011. I remember specifically taking these particular pictures because I wanted everyone to remember what they'd done in the snow and how much fun they'd had.

A snow trench.


A snow tunnel with Seth at the end.

A snow cave with Daniel inside.

The front yard.

Seth and Scooter.
A better picture of Seth at the end of the snow tunnel.

Cedric watching Daniel.

Daniel in the snow cave again.

Daniel was usually very good about getting his chores done. Building the fire was probably his favorite wintertime one.

My firebug doing his thing December 13, 2009.

And again. He always did like messing with the fire.

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