Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Days X, Y, and Z

So little was accomplished in the past three days that I can't give them proper names. Well, you know, sort of. Really, though, my plan was to get Joanna's pattern done by the end of Monday, have the dress cut out by the end of yesterday, and begin construction today. The skirt would be done today, the bodice tomorrow, and the dress Friday. As you can see from the pictures, things have not gone according to plan.
Katie's dress at the end of Day X. All ready to be sewn together at the neck I wanted to be done by the end of this day.

A couple of sleeves ready to be turned and pressed.

Trash at the end of Day X.
Day Y saw so little done that I didn't even take a picture of it. All I managed to do is start Joanna's pattern and quickly realize that I needed to compare the pattern to her because according to measurements, I ought to shorten the bodice by two inches.

Joanna opted for the D&C yesterday morning so she was not able to drive. All that meant is that as soon as Seth and Joseph were done with school, we went to see Joanna. We took some soap and the labels for it, the papercutter, and the bodice pattern. Sure enough, if I shortened the bodice by two inches, it would be almost two inches too short. What on earth were these pattern people thinking? Once I get the skirt pattern pieces done this morning, I'll be cutting out a mock up for the bodice and will finalize that part of the pattern. Still ought to be able to have it all cut out today and have at least part of the skirt done by end of day.

Can you see how much shorter I'm making it? The orange lines on the right are for the new bottom, the black line on the left is where it was supposed to join with another piece. Of course, the pattern we are using was for a skirt like Kim's which was poofy and got tacked up so the over skirt was much longer than the foundation. I still just think it's funny that on all but one of the skirt pattern pieces we're cutting it off before the join.

Joanna wants a full skirt. Even though this is just half of it, I don't think it quite qualifies so I'll be adding probably twelve inches to the top and whatever looks good to balance that out to the bottom. And then I'll be cutting out and sewing skirt pieces for about ever. Luckily, Joanna isn't that tall so these pieces aren't all that long.
And that's all she wrote for these past days. There will be more next time. Really.

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