Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day Eight

I don't feel like I accomplished much in some ways but in others I do. Laura's dress is the most finished currently. It just needs to be hemmed and have seam binding around the sleeves. I'm waiting until she is here for the hem to make sure it fits okay and doesn't need to be let out or taken in. The seam binding I'm not sure about because the stuff we got was too wide; not sure where my brain was when I grabbed it.
Getting ready to sew the lining around the zipper. Oh my goodness! The difference a smaller needle made! My finger still has a red spot from Amena's zipper. No new wounds from Laura's. This is one happy mama on that count.

Laura's dress at the end of the day. It's going to look much better on her (which isn't to say I don't like it now--it's just kind of lifeless and boring).

Still, Joanna and I were able to get everything (or at least so we thought) that I need to finish up. Now I'm really ready to get these bridesmaid dresses done to work on Joanna's because it's the real point of the whole project and going to be the most fun.
Up close of the left sleeve.

And the garbage at the end of the day. I thought it might need to be thrown away but I squished it all down so we've got another day of stuff left, maybe two.

I wanted to get Katie's pattern done last night but I've been pushing too much already so I did not push to get that done. I did get everything else put away so I have the table to work on but it's currently looking like after school. The good thing is that there is no practice or any reason to go out (other than a quick trip to the bank) until this evening so I should be able to get lots done.

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