Saturday, September 26, 2015

Days Nine and Ten

Well, Day Nine did not see accomplished as much as I'd hoped; neither did Day Ten. Still, I wasn't planning on getting any sewing done today and as soon as I'm done here, I'll be getting to sewing.
When setting the pattern aside, it is best NOT to place it over a burning candle. Just FYI.
Yesterday was a crazy day. The previous day two stuffed animals were washed with some sheets and at least one of them lost many little hard plastic pellets. I could hear them in the washing machine making funny noise and I debated just rewashing the load and decided against it. If I made things worse, I didn't want to be responsible for incurring cost if it might be avoidable. Instead, I asked Jessica A., a friend who is able to fix older, more mechanical rather than newer, more electronic washers if she might have some time to take a look. She was able to but hasn't got a car so I had to go to Fitchburg to pick her up and then to Fitchburg to drop her off.
Alterations on this pattern took lots of adding and subtracting and dividing and multiplying. Rather long project, really. The pink lines were places that needed to be sliced and space added. So much faster and easier to shrink a pattern but at least I have the skills.
Julia came over to paint Seth and Joseph faces. She wanted models willing to have their faces painted and photographed so she can show people what their options are. Since she was also willing to pay a dollar per paint, Seth and Joseph were willing.
This is the chair (aka garbage) at the end of Day Nine. I was hoping there'd be a bunch of red there as well but as you can see, it didn't happen. I did take another picture in the middle of Day Ten showing such a thing but it seems to have disappeared--can't find it anywhere.
On top of everything else, Joanna called and I could tell she was upset. She'd been to the doctor and while there, they were unable to get a heartbeat for the baby. I don't remember what all she said they did, but it was determined that the baby died about three weeks ago. What a blow for my sweet Joanna and Lincoln.
Had to engage in some creative cutting out to get the sleeves to fit. I unfortunately did not properly account for the correct size of this last dress. It's all good now, though. You can see from the pattern to the top right some of the modifications. It's a little harder to see on the sleeve, I think.
With everything that was going on, I was feeling worse than I had since Monday. I decided that I've got to slow down and take care of things so I pared my plans for today. Seth and Joseph and I did go to sell popcorn at the Post Office this morning and that was okay because all I had to do was stand there and talk sometimes. Seth and Joseph and I did still go to Seth's game and that was okay overall. I did have to use the bathroom once we got there so I walked down the hill to do that and was seriously wondering about walking up it again at the end of the game. It was a good game with Hubbardston winning 5 to 4. It was tied at the half but the boys were hot. Hubbardston scored in the second half and then Holden scored again almost right away. Then Hubbardston scored again and Seth was able to save the game as goalie and not let more in. Excellent game!

I found it! This picture was hiding away in Pergatory. So, this is what the chair (different chair, I know) looked like once I was done cutting out for Day Ten. No, I don't save absolutely every scrap like I used to. I don't have a bunch of little girls to make doll clothes for any more (although it is possible I will get a granddaughter who wants some or a grandson interested in such things) and I'm not as interested in making quilts. My interests are diverse but right now they do not include making quilts. Maybe someday. Anyway, I do keep the larger pieces so

Anyway, I now need to get this wrapped up and get on with sewing so I can have done today what I wanted to yesterday. Day Eleven will be a good day.

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