Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day Three

Day three was not very impressive. I knew I had to do SOMEthing so I did start transferring marks. What a fun chore (read that in monotone). There are entirely too many darts for this pattern so my thinking it would be a breeze considering each dress has only ten pieces (that's including the lining but not the belt) has changed. Once it's marked and the darts are sewn, it'll be a breeze. Not that darts are hard, mind you, just time consuming.

Got to take the pattern off and then put it back on one piece at a time. Yes, I know there are other ways to do this but this is the way I do it and if it takes more time, it yields consistently good results which is why I do it this way. So there. Notice the chunk out of the side of the pattern. I swear they make tissue paper thinner than they used to.

Sometimes I use a pencil but since this isn't going to be washed and a pencil didn't really work, thread it is!

That's white thread I used, by the way. The red just kind of soaked in.

And that's all she wrote. I didn't even get Laura's dress completely marked. Today should be better.

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