Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Days u, 13, and 14

Day u was a fairly uneventful day which is why it got a letter rather than a number. I didn't get any pictures taken for that day because all I managed to get done was a bunch of vertical seams in the skirt. Twenty-one vertical seams to be exact.
The skirt just hanging around. Not really. It was getting ironed here. Well, you know, it was getting ironed before I took the picture and after. While I was taking the picture, the skirt was literally just hanging around.

Day 13 was much more eventful even though all I did was work on the skirt border. All day I kept thinking about Joanna and didn't hear from her until in the afternoon. She'd slept until 2:00 and was still tired. I was glad she'd been able to sleep but you know that feeling when something just doesn't seem right? Yeah, I had it. Sunday morning at 3:29 I found out why and if you've read my blog posts from yesterday, you know all about it already.
Edge stitching the border. That was a lot of fun. You know, seemingly endless miles of stitching. It was kind of like driving across Nevada.

Lots and lots of skirt with lots and lots of border.

Anyway, finishing the border required many many trips around and around. I won't recap them all because I'd probably forget at least some of them. It was at least eight and I think it may have been more. I can tell you that only about half of them were actually sewing.
Guess where I found this lovely piece of connectivity? Cedric had it for some reason. That would explain why I couldn't find it where I'd left it and why no one else knew where it had gone.

Day 14, yesterday, was the best. I finished hemming the organza layers and then I was able to move on to the bodice. Hemming the organza layers was an interesting thing. I started out by just doing a narrow hem but when I was about three-quarters of the way done with the first layer and had the second layer ready to go, I decided to do it differently because I didn't like the way it was turning out. I decided to go around the raw edge with the serger, turn that up and sew it down, turn that up and sew right along the edge. I'm happy with the way it looks now--kind of like there's a ribbon around the edge.
Lots and lots of skirt hems. I guess just organza; you can't really see the actual skirt in there. Still, it's pretty cool looking, I think.

Bodice pieces.

Bodice ready to be attached to the layers of skirt.
The bodice is where the real fun is. I wanted to at least get the lining pieces sewn together and the outside pieces sewn together and I did that. Because I was waiting to put some laundry on to wash for Cedric, I also got two pieces of boning in although one of them is only sewn on one side. Still, not too bad considering that I didn't get started until 11:30 which was not part of the plan and that I decided almost half-way through organza hemming to completely change the plan.

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