Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 16

Well, not as much to report as I wanted but considering everything, I think yesterday was an okay day. All the bridesmaid dresses are done with the possible exception of Laura's if it needs to be altered in any way.
This spool of thread was new when I started. I think this bobbin is the forth I had to fill.
 If I hadn't gotten to go pick my mother up from the airport or if I hadn't needed to take the boys to church last night, I would have at least finished making loops.
Loop d'loop. This is how I finished the day. I feel like I just did this about five months ago. Kind of strange the way that works.
 If I had been able to stay home all day, I would have completely finished Joanna's dress. Still, already this morning I've finished the second side of loops save tying the end off so all there is left is lace. That will take an hour or so. Then Laura is going to help me make the belts and all will be done. At that point, I will see if I feel like making me anything.

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