Friday, April 10, 2015

Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy chart

Yesterday I thought it was time to do the activity for the Fertility and Conception section of the Well Woman & Sexuality unit. It was a busy day to begin with with the usual school for the boys as well as sisters over for grilled cheese and tomato soup (and hot chocolate) for lunch and the Petzold's over for fettuccine (made with shell pasta) and pickled carrots with custard and strawberries for dinner. Not to mention all the fun usual stuff like feeding goats, doing laundry, etc., etc., etc.

Everyone was home from school and I had my paper on the table along with the hot chocolate I hadn't had at lunch because I like to enjoy mine as I'm reading or working on something. There was very little left in the cup but a very little is all it takes.

"Mom!" Amena exclaimed. "Cedric spilled. . . ." That's all I heard because Laura had just called but I certainly saw what she was talking about. Laura got her ear filled with my rantings. I believe Cedric was sufficiently contrite and

as you can see from this almost finished with the pen work, the chocolate milk cleaned off the paper pretty well. Good thing--I did NOT want to start over.

This is what it looked like when I was done with the pen but before I erased the pencil.

And this is the scanned version of the finished product. I'm pretty happy with it except for the line that I get whenever I scan or print something using the thing on the lid. I should have done it from the flat bed but it's so much easier from the top. Oh well, such is life. Also, I'm not crazy about the second Menses so don't look at it too closely. The first one is fine. If I were going to do some modification using the Wacom I would fix that but I didn't want to do any electronic modifications.

I do need to point out that the assignment was to create a chart of the Reproductive Cycle such as the one found on page 175 of Holistic Midwifery by Anne Frye. My chart is a freehand (and ruler) version. I would have made improvements but like Anne's so much I couldn't think of any to make.

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