Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hubbardston couple gets burial OK Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hubbardston couple gets burial OK

HUBBARDSTON — A compromise may finally allow a family to bury on their land the 14-year-old son they lost three months ago

Selectmen voted last night to recommend to the Board of Health that it issue a temporary vault permit to allow Pamela Roper and her husband, Paul Flint, to bury Mrs. Roper's son, Daniel, on land near their home on Pitcherville Road.

Daniel died Aug. 2 in an accident in Minnesota while the family was headed to Idaho. Since then the couple have tried to have him buried near their home, but the town's legal firm issued an opinion that various requirements needed to be satisfied for it to happen, including receiving approval from town meeting.

Interim Town Administrator Brian Bullock told selectmen that with a temporary vault permit, the family can go forward with the burial and if they wanted the permit to become permanent, at some point they would have to seek town meeting approval.

The board voted 2-1 to support issuing the temporary permit. Selectman Matthew Castriotta voted no, saying he does not approve of burials on private property.

“I think it should go to town meeting as it has always gone to town meeting,” he said.

Selectman Ernest Newcomb said he is not opposed to burials on private property, but consideration should be given about how the grave would be cared for should the family someday sell the land. He also asked what it would cost the town if the family went to town meeting to get the permit made permanent and voters rejected it.

“Who has the burden of paying costs of disinterment?” he asked.

Mr. Bullock said the town would not be responsible for the costs because it would be on private property.

Mr. Flint, who was at the meeting, said he was happy with the selectmen's vote and hopeful the Board of Health will approve the permit at its meeting tonight. The board meets at 6:30 p.m.

1 comment:

Pam Flint said...

I thought it interesting that, one, Matthew Castriotta’s name is actually mentioned in this article and, two, that he was opposed. His wife taught both Cedric and Seth in kindergarten and I was hoping that Joseph would have her as well. Now I think maybe it's good that Joseph didn't get her because it might have been kind of awkward. On the other hand, it might have been good because it might have been kind of awkward. He teaches at Quabbin but Daniel didn’t have him for any classes. Paul thinks the fact that Mr. Castriotta was not only in favor but the spearhead of the asphalt recycling plant going in on our road at one of the gravel pits and Paul was one of the primary voices against it had something to do with Mr. Castriotta successfully stalling the approval of Daniel’s burial at home. Whatever the case, I am glad that we are at least able to “temporarily” bury him and put that issue to rest. I miss that boy.