Monday, February 1, 2016

The Past Few Years to Present

Finally, we come to Massachusetts. It has been an interesting approaching eight years here, if nothing else.

This post was mostly ready to go days ago but the past couple have been pretty busy. We had this thing Saturday, you see. This thing called the Polar Bear Derby which requires being outside all day and is usually a lot of fun and this year had a Star Wars theme. Well, we couldn't just go as ourselves, now, could we? Well, some of us could because there are only so many hours in the day and only so many dollars in the checking account/pocket/etc. Still, not all of us could go as ourselves so for the couple of days leading up to Saturday, the me part of we was busy making Jedi suits. Two just in case the Boy Scout decided to go along to help because a scout is prepared.

This happened to be the best dressed Jedi in attendance:
The picture isn't the clearest but you get the idea; he looks somewhat poofy because he was wearing his jacket underneath. Honestly, Hubbardston Pack 12 had the best dressed characters there. Too bad the Boy Scout at our house who had something to wear decided not to go and there aren't more hours in the day.
See that huge gash on the right side of the image? That is a gravel pit. One of several on Pitcherville Road. In this particular one, they've put a solar farm in the lower portion. That's cool. They also want to put a toxic dump back there somewhere. There was supposed to be a town meeting about it a couple of weeks ago but it was postponed. No toxic dumps for me, thanks. We've got enough problems with allergies; not interested in more of them or other problems in general.

And this is home sweet home. While there is green, there isn't as much year-round green as I'd like. The autumn foliage here is usually quite spectacular but when it's gone, the trees are just bare and rather forlorn looking. Not green. But, with thirty acres, there's plenty of room for chickens and goats and a garden. And just about anything else a person might want. However, other than Joanna and Lincoln, it is more than 2,000 miles from family (and Joanna and Lincoln don't want to stay in MA).

Not to mention, this:
My beautiful mountain. My roots. This picture was taken on my birthday by Tony Kidd and posted on the Graven Images Facebook page. I do have permission to share. Isn't it beautiful?

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