Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Socks and Lace

Sunday I finished Seth's socks that I've been working on for what seems like forever. I wanted to take a picture of them on his feet but haven't managed to do that yet. I know he was wearing them yesterday. 
The inside of one leg. You can see the color changes. I wanted to do these toe up but I have a terrible time actually beginning with the toe so I did a provisional cast on right about where the decreases for the toe would begin and did from there to the tip of the toe. Then I picked up the stitches and worked from there up. I'd like to work on the heel working this way, and the casting off, but they turned out pretty well.

This is what they looked like this morning. You can tell they were worn yesterday.

Yesterday I worked on my Magickal Earth shawl. I had done quite a bit on it over the years but a couple of years ago took it apart because my needle broke and I lost a bunch of stitches (there were still over a thousand on the needle at that point) and I didn't feel like going to the effort to attempt to pick them up and figure out the pattern. It was probably doable but not something I really wanted to do. Besides, I started making it in the relative infancy of my serious knitting as an adult and made all kinds of mistakes. I've learned a lot since then and figured it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing to start over. So that's what I did. 
This is what the second copy of the pattern looks like. I have numbers at the bottom so I can keep track of which repeat I am on. When I've used a particular copy four or five times, it's hard to see what's supposed to be going on and I print it out again.

This is what it looked like at the end of the day yesterday. Or the beginning of the day today.

The pattern for the lace edge (the whole thing is lace) is done back and forth (once it's done, stitches are picked up along the straight edge and then worked in the round to the middle) and has a 48 row pattern repeat that must be done 47 times plus another just doing rows 1 through 46. I'm currently about ten rows from finishing the tenth repeat. Yesterday afternoon while the boys were cleaning, I was knitting and watching Vikings. It was a good afternoon.

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