Thursday, January 21, 2016

Transient Eighteen Months

Well, that was fun. After the short Mt. Shasta stint, Alisha and I moved to Yreka. We stayed with my mom for a couple of months but because she and my sisters were in a two bedroom apartment, it was a bit of a tight fit. It was fun while it lasted but I'm glad it didn't last any longer than it did. While we were with my mom, Alisha was completely potty trained and I started working for the Siskiyou County Welfare Department. It has the more politically correct name of Siskiyou County Health and Human Services now but we all know it's the same thing.

An interesting thing about that is that I was able to apply and be hired because I had well over the required number of college credits needed. At the time, it didn't matter what they were in, just that a person had them. Probably a third of mine were in English and the rest were whatever else I needed to be well rounded. Another interesting thing is that my mom was currently working there, in Fiscal (I was a clerk) and my Aunt Debby had worked there in the past. Once, when I was opening a case, Debby's initials were in the front of the folder and then my  mom's, and I added mine. It was kind of a family affair, I guess.

I was still attending College of the Siskiyous and graduated with an associates degree in English a couple of months after I started working. Alisha was just two so I had to find a day care and was fortunate to find a decent one and lucky, in some ways, that she didn't have to go every day due to visitation with her dad. Financially, that was nice.

This is Yreka. Current population (as of 2013) is 7,605. To that point, it is the largest place I'd ever lived with the exception of Provo, UT, which, as I mentioned, I don't count because my one memory of it happened in the apartment we lived in and while we were moving back to California.
Yreka a little closer.
And this is Yama Street. 211, I think, is where we were. This is when I think it would be great to more easily be able to alter my images. I can tell you which house it was but it would be so much easier to circle it or put an 'x' on it or otherwise indicate which one I'm talking about. I just had to look it up again to make sure of names but 211 is not apparently where we were. 211 is way down by Main Street. Yikes! Anyway, we have here Yama and North Gold intersecting. There is a house on the south west corner and then another house. We first lived in the third house. It was small but served our purposes and got us out of my mother's hair. I don't remember how long we lived there but it wasn't too long and then we moved to the duplex just behind the house. We lived on the side nearest Gold. That was nice, nice being relative of course. I have some good memories from there and hope Alisha does as well. It was nice to be independent but close to family. My mom and dad were both in Yreka, my grandparents were still in McCloud. We were there for a little over a year before moving when I met and married Dan.
At the time, he was working for Bob Kuck on his ranch out north of Montague. It was called Willow Creek Ranch and I really wondered how long it would take me before I was able to get myself to Yreka for work without worrying about making a wrong turn. It did happen, though.
You can see where the road/driveway curves. I'm pretty sure the house we lived in is hiding under the trees right there because I'm pretty sure it isn't that larger structure to the north east with a what looks like white roof. It wasn't bad living there. Not perfect, but not bad. It was short lived. One thing I didn't realize about Dan before I married him is that he doesn't tend to stick with one job very long before moving on to another. Such was the case working for Kuck's. He'd started not that long before we met and by August or September, we were moving because he'd quit. That took us to Scott Valley.
And Scott Valley is where I'll take you next post. I'm not sure we'll cover all of it because we lived in quite a few places while there but we'll get our feet wet, anyway.

And there you have the next two years of my life. Actually, that was less than two years. That was just a little over eighteen months. I'm afraid that kind of sets the stage for the next few years of my life but more of that later.

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