Monday, October 1, 2012

Indiana Jones

This is Lego Indiana Jones (he's the one on the bridge with a hat on). There is a shark under the bridge (check out those teeth!). Indiana Jones shot the bad guy in the mouth and the picture shows him falling down because he is dead. The other two people are the kids the bad guys had captured. There is a "ton of hair" on the girl and the kids are running. There is a nice sun in the corner, don't you think? Joseph did his name with points and then did a pattern of two blue, one brown, two blue, one brown. Pretty cool!
In discussing this after he was done last night, we decided that we were undecided about if Joseph would get in trouble if he drew this at school. It has guns and Seth was called into the office last year for having drawn guns in a notebook. Joseph informed us that someone in his class last year drew a gun in a picture and his teacher did not care. We are still undecided.


Unknown said...

Actually Indiana Jones should be using a whip, Joseph. I think I would leave out the guns because of the way schools can be now. If you have ever seen the movies though you know guns were involved and they are a fact of life. I don't think I like where the world is going these days but I do think guns should only be used to hunt for food and in self defense. That doesn't mean children can't play with toy ones or draw pictures of them though.

Pam Flint said...

Joseph says about using a whip, "So what? He needed to kill the bad guy." We've seen the movies but not regularly. Most of what Joseph knows of Indiana Jones has come from Lego sets.
I like what Jay had to say about the picture on Facebook. "I know there has been issues in school w guns, we know Jospeh is not going to be one of those issues. What is intresting to me, is with all we know about phy development of children. A teacher cant look at this drawing and know its harmless. 1st. The drawing is of an non- real event. 2nd. Bad guys are shown smaller then good guys ( drawn in black ) this showing a strong developing moral code with in the child. 3rd. Both partys have a gun ( this would lead one to belive joseph belives that despit adversity he has tools to over come it. Children are very visual, they will connect one collor to a feeling Black=Radge, Red=mad, Yellow=happy you get the hint. If this was a drawing of one man shooting a second. Drawn in collor with well defind feelings and no suroundind interplay then one would easly get intrested. A big part of early childhood trama con. Is drawing and allowing the child to tell you on the page what they dont have skill or words to comunicate."