Monday, September 17, 2012

Amid the tragedy of loss, the embers of hope shine bright. . .

Wedding Day
October 8, 2011
After waiting close to thirty years to meet the man of my dreams, it was then another two and more than a half years before he asked the question.
Paul asked the question on September 11 and let the specific date be up to me. It needed to be a Saturday because during the week, I thought just wouldn't work. I suppose it really would have, but since Paul had been working at his current job for less than a year at that point, I thought it best to not ask for time off during the week. It was already September. My thought process went something like this: November already had Thanksgiving and generally isn't a very pretty month unless we have an early enough snow. Besides, I'd been married in November once. December is nice because there is usually snow but there is already Christmas and lots of birthdays (Cedric, Amena, Grandma) and an anniversary (Becky and Jay). January is a good month but has lots of birthdays (Paul, me, Seth). February has Valentine's Day and everybody gets married then because of it so that wasn't for me. March is the beginning of spring, often not a pretty month and often a muddy one. It's one redeeming feature is Daniel's birthday (and my dad's), so, no. April--Easter and still the mud factor. Ick. May isn't a bad month but has a couple birthday's (Papa and Alisha). June was the other month I'd been married in so even though it also has Grandma and Papa's anniversary, I didn't want to go there. July and August are probably my least favorite months and were just too darn far away. That left, are you ready for this, October. Month picked out. Now for the day. Paul said the 22nd would be good because it's his aunts birthday but that was a Tuesday so it really wouldn't work. I thought maybe the 15th because I was born on the 15th (of January). Paul said the 8th would be good because he was born on the 8th (of January) and would be less likely to forget it. So, there we had it, October 8th.
What a crazy couple of weeks. Nice culmination, I think.
Amena with Imani followed by Joanna. Ruth Britt sitting on the side.

Amena with Imani again, followed by Joanna and Laura.
I really like Amen's dress.

Laura followed by Alisha.



And again.

And again. Love that peeking Cedric. The other boys were playing in a room and didn't even know what was going on.

No, I don't overly love myself. I'm just putting in all the pictures I happen to have.

Alisha and Imani behind me and Paul.

Me and Paul. And Bishop Nally's head.
Other people: Chad (behind me to the left), Bethany Price and her girls (behind me to the right). Diana Chunn way in the back on the side. John and Kitty Rolfe although you can't see much of her. I'm not quite sure who is behind them but I think one of them is Jana Arbon. On the other side of Paul is Ryan. You can see Karen Dusty's head Behind her is the Hobby family of whom you can see Susan's head, her fiance, and Wayne. He was in Daniel's class. On the very side is David Alexander between Ryan and Wayne. Behind the Hobby's are the Ameliomeh's and Carmack's. I'm not sure who is in the very back.

Us again.
I can't go through the  naming again. Sorry.
And us again.

And again. This time you can see both Karen and Jim Dusty with Ryan. Behind them are the Alexander's and next to them, the Mayer's. On the side is Margaret Armstrong with a couple of children and in front of her a few seats in Fred. The guy in the very back I wasn't sure about appears to be one of the missionaries.

And again.

And yet again. With a bit of Imani.

I'm not sure what to say here.

The girls. And now you can see Laurie and Jared Orzel next to Ruth.


And again.

Peeking at the cake.

This is just kind of cute.

I do like the cake.
Mi familia.
And again. Love Joseph covering his face!
No! Don't see me!

It's fun to click through these really fast because you can see how people are moving.

He's such a nut!

Now we have Adam too.
And one more.
Cake again.

I don't remember the conversation at all but Karen and her daughter Katie made the cake. Karen usually dyes her hair but here she'd just finished chemo and/or radiation treatment for cancer and wasn't able to dye yet.
Cutting the cake.

The rolled fondant was actually kind of tough to cut.

See what I mean?
Done at last.

Chow time.

Oh yeah.

Amena, Alisha, Laura, Joanna in the back with Joseph, Cedric, Imani and Seth in the front.
Nice looking bunch of kids.
(OOOppps, did I say that? I meant children, of course!)
Aren't they cute?

Beware. . .

the silliness is about . . .

The girls look so thrilled.

And that's all she wrote for that day. At least at that location. Paul changed and went to get the car which he'd parked nearby so as to avoid anyone wanting to do any 'cute' decorating of it. I changed and met him outside. We left and got our stuff to leave on our short but sweet honeymoon to New Hampshire. While we were at the house, everyone else showed up so they obviously didn't stick around at the church for long. The only thing I would like to do differently is get more pictures.

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