Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Davis Family Fund Issues

I would like to say that I am incredibly grateful for the support we received from the community regarding our August 2nd accident and Daniel’s death. I never could have expected or hoped for such a response as we witnessed. We received meals for several weeks, were the object of many fundraisers, and were much prayed for. A fund, the Davis Family Fund, was set up for anyone wishing to donate monetarily.

It has been a mere four months and nineteen days since the accident and Daniel’s death. As those of you who have lost a loved one can attest, the pain and anguish and veritable hole in our lives will never go away. We are just now coming to the point where we find out what the insurances are and are not covering. We also have just now been informed that the Davis Family Fund is not going to be further used to assist us in the financial difficulties experienced due to the accident.

It appears that “it has been decided” that a large amount of money has been given to us from the fund and that the rest of it is to be divided up amongst the children who were involved in the accident. For those living, e-bonds will be set up and given to each child upon coming of age. Daniel’s share will be donated to the Hubbardston Center School Playground Fund.

For the record, I had been thinking of donating to the Playground Fund any remaining monies after we had taken care of accident and burial expenses. The money came from the community; I felt that it would only be right and fair to return something to the community.

However, it appears that without consulting with us, other people know better what is needed for our family. When I asked how much money is in the account, the woman I was speaking to, who is one of two people on the account, refused to tell me. Likewise, she would not tell me who exactly had made these decisions.

It took us four months to be able to bury Daniel simply because we wanted to bury him at home and one person did not like the idea. I think it is a shame that one person is now taking something given freely by the community to benefit a family who experienced great tragedy and using it for a purpose for which it was not intended.

Because of the trauma of the accident and the death of our son and brother, the children and adults have been attending grief support groups through the Carriage House in Worcester while awaiting further trauma and grief counseling. Last week, on December 13, as we were leaving a candle lighting ceremony and supper, we were involved in yet another accident. Fortunately, this did not result in the loss of any life but the van will require much work if it is not considered totaled.

This second accident, while not as bad as the first, was still traumatic for everyone involved coming as soon as it did after the first.

Not only are we still coming to terms with Daniel’s death, as we always will be, and the effects of the first accident, now we have the added stress of dealing with the aftermath of the second as well. It would be a great blessing if those who are involved with decision making for the Davis Family Fund would see fit to let us use it as we find necessary rather than attempting to take upon themselves the responsibility of making decisions for a family who is experiencing something I hope they never have to personally experience.

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