Sunday, October 30, 2011

Making Apple Cinnamon Rolls

I have a binder with recipes that I've collected. Mostly they have come from family and friends, a few from other places. On the cocoa cake recipe I have a picture of Papa and I have a picture of Grandma  on one right next to the roll recipe I was using yesterday evening. Cedric was on the other side of the counter from where I was working and looked at the picture. He said, "Is that Bislita?" I said it was. He said, "I want to see her." I told him that she is planning on coming to visit.

"In the winter?" he asked.

"No," I answered, "not until summer."

"Oh," was his response.

I turned to the cocoa cake recipe to show him Papa's picture and explained that he had not been well and that is why we had been going to California. "Yeah," he said. "But he died."

"Yes," I answered. "But now Bislita can travel, so she's going to come see us."

"When is her birthday?" he wanted to know.

"Well," I said, "her birthday is the same day as yours."

A sparkle turned on in his eyes. "Oh. How old will she be?"


"I want to send her something for her birthday. What does she like?"

"Cats and owls."

"Bats and owls?"

I laughed. "Cats. Cats and owls."

I thought it was pretty cute. Things are really clicking in that boys head lately.

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