Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Dress (I hope I haven't overused this for a title)

Working on the loops here. I needed a foundation for the buttonhole stitch I planned to use and I needed it all to be well anchored. What I did was take a double strand of a mediumish crochet thread and worked my way from left to right, taking two stitches every inch. That worked pretty well.

Then I worked right to left doing a buttonhole stitch along the entire length--it was something like twenty-one inches from top to bottom. I finally figured out how to make it look really good on the last six inches. :) Of the second side.

One side done, one side pinned so I know where to make the anchoring stitches.

Working on the hem here. Many times around, it was. Once to pin, once to baste, once to cut, once to sew the hem lace, once to actually sew the hem. And that is not counting the time or two or three with the iron.

All finished! Aren't they loverly? I wish I'd have gotten some up close of the back and the lace at the bottom of the bodice but once I see all the pictures taken, perhaps I'll find something. All-in-all, I am quite pleased with the end result.
This is mostly hand and skirt but you can see some of the lace at the bottom of the bodice. It is lovely lace--I really like it. Laura really wanted it up above the seam; I think I'd rather have covered it. Still, it's all good.

The back. I just absolutely love this. Honestly I could not keep my eyes off this girl.

And this picture I just love. These two are great! I think I'll keep both of them.

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