Thursday, May 16, 2013

Good News!

I've been away for a bit due to life being busy (with things like soccer practice and games, finals, final presentations, and spending up to two hours every day [other than Sunday] getting back in shape). You may recall that I had an interview with Birthwise Midwifery School which was interesting and sort of fun. The interview was going to be in person but Laura and Joanna both had to work so without someone to keep an eye on the younger half, I couldn't go to Maine. Because they're really cool at Birthwise and realize that not everyone could make it in person for the interview, it was then going to be via Skype. We started and I could see and hear them but they could not see me and they were having trouble hearing me as well. Soooo, it ended up being via telephone (thank goodness we still have them, eh?).

When was that? A million years ago? Actually just a month ago on April 16th. Two days later they called and said. . .

I was ACCEPTED!!!!!!

So excited!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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