Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Good Day

Another good day at the Fitness Center. I almost made my goal of walking 4 miles in 60 minutes; if you count the warm down period of 5 minutes, I did. I don't.

In my Small Business Management class, we have been discussing different aspects of a marketing plan. It has been very interesting, enlightening and fun. Today I read in the same issue of Midwifery Today "Developing a Freelance Midwifery Consultancy Business" by Dianne Garland. It covers everything we've covered in class--amazing! It was very good, very interesting and enlightening. My hour went by very quickly today, perhaps more so than yesterday.

Today I added some weight lifting. It won't be an every day occurrence but probably three days a week. I'd really like my arms to feel almost as used as my legs. I'm not sure they do but they did get used some.

All together, a good day thus far--and no kids late for the bus.

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