Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Good Day

Another good day at the Fitness Center. I almost made my goal of walking 4 miles in 60 minutes; if you count the warm down period of 5 minutes, I did. I don't.

In my Small Business Management class, we have been discussing different aspects of a marketing plan. It has been very interesting, enlightening and fun. Today I read in the same issue of Midwifery Today "Developing a Freelance Midwifery Consultancy Business" by Dianne Garland. It covers everything we've covered in class--amazing! It was very good, very interesting and enlightening. My hour went by very quickly today, perhaps more so than yesterday.

Today I added some weight lifting. It won't be an every day occurrence but probably three days a week. I'd really like my arms to feel almost as used as my legs. I'm not sure they do but they did get used some.

All together, a good day thus far--and no kids late for the bus.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It finally happened. I'd been contemplating getting a family membership at the Fitness Center for some time. Then my grandparents sent us some money for Christmas which just about covered the cost of such a membership. So in early December before class, I stopped at the desk and got a gift certificate for us from them.

Sometime in January we still hadn't activated it but one day Adam came over wanting to go play racquetball with Paul. They used to do it often but hadn't for quite some time. I filled out the papers for me and the kids and Paul filled out his and later that day, Paul took them in and our membership was activated. Paul and Adam went to play a few times, but, as usual, there just never seemed to be time for me to go.

Finally, I decided I couldn't let February end without going in to at least get my picture taken and get my card so on the 28th I did. My plan was to go Tuesday morning but I'd kind of gotten the car stuck in the driveway Monday and the weather was ickyish so Tuesday came and went with no action on my part. T

Then it was Wednesday. What a terrible day to go. There was an Achievement Activity at church that Diana Chunn was covering for me so that I could go to the New Beginnings with Amena. All that means is that because I was going to be at church, I wouldn't be able to get any homework done that evening. So why would I take an hour and half or two out of my morning? Because everything needs a beginning.

I couldn't find the card I'd gotten Monday and it just seemed that everything wasn't quite going as I'd like it to so it took forever before Joseph and I finally left and we ended up not getting home until lunch time but, hey, we got there. I walked for an hour, more than 3 miles, and burned up an estimated 444.4 calories. That was kind of cool. Joseph got to play in the nursery and he had fun as well. I tried to get blisters on my right foot but didn't succeed so that was good too. But the best thing was reading. It was awesome! I finished three quarters of a midwifery magazine (I don't remember the name and I'm not sure where I put it so I can't tell you--it wasn't Midwifery Today).

Today I told Joseph we'd go earlier. And we did. The kids have a new bus driver--this is his first week. Each day he has arrived at a different time, which is to be expected since this is his first week. Today it was a little early so Amena and Seth missed it. I thought I could take them to school and then come get Joseph but he was ready to go so I took him with me. We dropped Amena and Seth off at school and then went to Aubuchon Hardware to get a lock and then to the Fitness Center. Actually, according to Joseph, it's the play place.

Today was much the same except I wore socks I have had absolutely forever--since skiing in high school. They're better than the cotton ones I wore yesterday because they don't get stretched out of shape and don't move around as much. Because of them, I am no closer to blisters today than I was yesterday. I really need to find out about getting more of them because washing everyday will surely wear them out fast.

Today I read part of the Autumn 2006 issue of Midwifery Today. The entire issue is dedicated to "The Business of Midwifery" and is just incredible. Every article was better and better and my hour just flew by. It's amazing how perfectly timed this was too. I mean, I'm taking Small Business Management and I want to be a midwife, how well this issue combined the two.

Now that it's time to feed Joseph and eat lunch and I have gotten almost no school work done today, it must be time to go for now.

Happy trails.